The best apps and podcasts to get you learning French.


So as part of my new year resolutions, I promised to put more effort into learning French. Perhaps it's because my family are fluent in English, but French does not seem to be progressing as quickly as other people's. So I have turned to technology to try and push my French forwards. Mostly because some days the only time I have to myself is the 20 mins on the metro.

Here are a few of my top picks of the best apps and podcasts out there to help improve your French. And I have to add - none of these app/podcast makers have paid me for these reviews, they are only my opinion.

Happy New Year


I hope you've all had a wonderful break over the Christmas period. For those of you who stayed withe your families I hope you had fun learning some new French Christmas Traditions. For those who did not have to stay with their host families, I hope you got to enjoy some peace and quiet!

Sadly the holiday is almost over, and soon it will be back to Work and School. But it's New Year's Day, so I'm going to recover from last night's celebrations and reflect upon what I learnt about being an au pair in 2015, and what I can do better in 2016.

Time for my Au Pair New Year's Resolutions...